Qaiser Abbas
Head of OperationsMr. Qaiser Abbas Khan is a development practitioner, researcher, motivational speaker, trainer and social worker. He has been associated with SARRC since 2010 and serves as Head of Operations.
Dr Mahvish Ahmad
UK TrusteeDr Mahvish Ahmad is an Assistant Professor, LSE Sociology and co-led Conserving the Archives of Progressive Pakistan with Ahmad Salim. She is a UK-based Trustee of SARRC.
Dr Nuzhat Abbas
UK TrusteeNuzhat Abbas writes poetry and prose. She has published five books, produced three CDs with booklets, and is a co-author with Ahmed Salim of the book 'Jam Saqi: Chale Chalo ke wo Manzil Abhi Nahi Aai.' She is a UK-based trustee of SARRC.
Professor Pritam Singh
UK TrusteeDr Pritam Singh has a DPhil from the University of Oxford and is Professor Emeritus at Oxford Brookes Business School. He is a UK-based Trustee of SARRC.
Fahad Desmukh
Web DeveloperFahad Desmukh is a frontend web developer based in Karachi responsible for maintaining SARRC's website
Qaiser Abbas
Head of OperationsMr. Qaiser Abbas Khan is a development practitioner, researcher, motivational speaker, trainer and social worker. He has been associated with SARRC since 2010 and serves as Head of Operations.